Ask HN: Stick to Electron (JS/TS), Swift and Kotlin or learn Rust and use Tauri

1 points by cplepage 6 hours ago

I currently use Electron (JS/TS), Swift and Kotlin to build FullStacked ( on all platforms.

I spent the last hour reading about Tauri ( and now I'm wondering if learning Rust is worth it to have only one codebase for all platforms, instead of 3?

I mainly have a webdev background, but I still did some C++ and very little of Go. I'm not the best with pointers and memory allocation/deallocation, so is rust such a pain to work with for someone like me or people usually pick it up quite fast?

Also, is Rust enough feature-rich to build actual mobile apps or is it still too early phase for production?

Looking for some advices, personal opinions or experiences?

npalli 3 hours ago

Rust is more complicated than C++ to get your head around due to it's specialized concepts around lifetime, ownership, async and other topics. The upside is memory safety. If you don't need memory safety and very close to C++ performance (within 10-20%) then far better options like Go, Java, Kotlin etc. etc.

fiedzia 5 hours ago

> I'm not the best with pointers and memory allocation/deallocation

You don't think about those at all when using Rust. That's why it was created. However because the conventions are different, some pattern will be different and you will need to learn do some things differently. I don't think Rust is particularly difficult to learn when it comes to using a framework, but a non-trivial amount of learning will be required.

As for features, I've found this video comparing them: