Show HN: Hyperkit – rich UX features without writing JavaScript

3 points by chrsgrrtt 8 hours ago

I've been working on Hyperkit over the past couple of weeks, to scratch an itch. It's a collection of custom elements (web components) for common UX patterns like modals, sortable lists and repeating fieldsets.

I'm fed up of reaching for React when I need enhanced UX. The "peppering of Javascript" frameworks like Stimulus always feel disconnected; I really don't like relying on data attribute incantations to attach clientside behaviour.

So I've started Hyperkit, a collection of headless custom elements that make it trivial to add rich UI features to apps built with server-side frameworks like Rails or Revel. Because their all custom elements, they're just HTML tags, with all the behaviour encapsulated in the tags. Each component is headless - bring your own styling. It's akin to Headless UI in spirit, but without the need for JavaScript.