Ask HN: Companies of one, what is your tech stack in 2024?

11 points by ecmascript 9 hours ago

Hello dear HNers. Each year for the last few years I have asked companies of one, meaning companies that consists of only one person of what tech stacks you use. Include as much and as little information as possible but the more the merrier! Feel free to link to your site or project for show case if you want.

What is your tech stack?

Why did you choose it?

Do you think your choices had any impact on your success or failure?

Here is the previous threads:






Thanks in advance!

crisopolis 7 hours ago

I'm also in the process of building a product mostly in Elixir with minimal JavaScript. I just completed the WorkOS integration, now putting more effort into the actual product itself which is a extended workforce management SaaS.

What is your tech stack?

Backend: Phoenix

Frontend: Phoenix LiveView (with Preline UI)

Database: PostgreSQL (I want to use soon for tenant db isolation)

Auth: WorkOS (for B2B SSO)

Cloud Provider: (tbd)

Why did I choose this tech stack?

I've loved elixir for a few years but I've yet to build a functional SaaS with it yet. I've built one-off apps, and even stock algo bots. This time I'm going to try for something bigger which means I get to use Phoenix and LiveView to make a fast web app.

As for PostgreSQL we'll it's PostgreSQL and WorkOS seemed to be my biggest risk since I had no experience with it's platform or SSO OAuth2. However, WorkOS has tons of features that makes B2B SSO painless for me and potential customers. No real reason for yet.

Do you think your choices had any impact on your success or failure?

No success or failures yet.

  • ecmascript 5 hours ago

    Very cool, I have had my eyes on liveview since it came out but since what I am building is a heavy user of maps and client side functionality that will utilize offline support, liveview brings unfortunately pretty little to my table and would be impractical.

    Besides I can get the same functionality for most of the app with Server Sent Events and EventEmitter in node even if it is a tiny bit more of a hassle. But since the SSE is a better protocol than Websockets (especially with http3) you also get benefits you can't get with Liveview such as stuff working when customers have Proxies or firewalls that block stuff that is not http.

    I really like Elixir as a language and I think Phoenix Liveview is a game-changer and I can't fathom why more people don't use it that doesn't have the same client side requirements as myself.

mjomaa 7 hours ago

Next.js (v15), React (v19), Auth.js (v5), shadcn/ui, Postgres, Hetzner.

More here:

Choice had a big impact, because I don't have to context switch, only have to implement validation once, can re-use a lot of the logic between frontend and backend and the UI part also looks neat. Furthermore with React server components and server actions a lot of the boilerplate code for an internal API is just.. gone. Super easy.

Now with Next.js 15 RC 2 and stable coming out next Friday, I'm in a very good position. Using the app router with Next.js 13 or Next.js 14 was like having warts. But now with Next.js 15 caching is good again and the speed improvements for dev mode were good enough to not bother me anymore.

jmstfv 6 hours ago

ruby on rails, sqlite, sidekiq + redis, and caddy, all hosted on a single hetzner dedicated server. no front-end frameworks, only tailwind.

tarsnap and restic for offsite backups.

I push code to github; then capistrano (think bash script with some bells and whistles) deploys that code to the server and restarts systemd processes.

I've been running this saas business for 3+ years and wouldn't change a thing. I'm also working on a new business with the exact same stack.

skwee357 3 hours ago

Rust, recently migrated from SQLite to Postgres, Astro, svelte, tailwind, caddy. Hosted in a VPS in Hetzner

MrHamburger 2 hours ago

.NET everywhere, except the firmware on devices, where is C.

tiniuclx 8 hours ago

I've built Chord Chart Memo [0] entirely using Godot Game Engine.

Chord Chart Memo is a tool for musicians and songwriters which lets you input chords with just two taps. What makes it stand out is the focus on lightning-fast input & offline functionality for reliablility during live performances.


aosaigh 6 hours ago

Django + Celery, Next.js, Vercel and Digital Ocean app platform.

I’m happy to pay to offload as much devops as possible to focus on features. Likewise when choosing a framework: convention over configuration where possible.

beardyw 8 hours ago

For some reason your links don't work.

ecmascript 8 hours ago

I'll start since this year I'm finally in the process of building my first startup, even if it isn't official yet.

What is your tech stack?

I use React with the Remix lib/framework together with Mapbox for mapping purposes and PostgreSQL and SQLite for data storage. I host everything on a GleSYS server. I also use some C# that acts as a plugin to retrieve and sync data to the web app.

Why did you choose it?

I chose it because I am building a thick front end application and because it is tech I already knew. I need a lot of client side functionality so using what tech I already have knowledge of seemed easiest and I can bring whatever I learn to my day job and vice versa to get the synergy effects.

Do you think your choices had any impact on your success or failure?

Haven't had failure or success yet since I am still in the process of building it.