Ask HN: Whats a good publication to subscribe to for tech?

6 points by pm90 10 hours ago

I am an ACM subscriber, and read the ACM journal. I looked at MIT Tech review but Im wary of the MIT brand and many of their articles seems commercial. Im looking for something that people would be interested in just because its interesting tech/science news and not just the latest hype.

GianFabien 7 hours ago

After decades of being an ACM member, I cancelled my membership. CACM no longer reports on foundational computer machinery and software developments. It has become a promotional avenue for blockchain and AI/ML. Some editorials hold thinly veiled political views. It most certainly isn't the ACM that I joined decades ago.

Most of my keeping up with tech is via Hacker News. Obviously the quality of materials varies greatly, but for the most part I do find it useful. In many cases the comments lead to further interesting information.